Personal data
According to the current legislation on data protection and on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user accepts that the personal data provided to place orders, register, subscribe to our newsletter or to access any other service on this website are included in a file owned by this company for the following purposes:

  • To facilitate the provision of the requested services
  • For correctly identifying users that request personalized services
  • For statistical studies of the users to design improvements in the services provided to perform basic administrative tasks
  • And to keep you informed by email or by any other means, news, products and services related to

If you do not want us to make this treatment of your personal data, please inform us through email at Any registered user can at any time exercise the right to access, rectify and, where necessary, cancel or oppose the processing of personal data supplied by the means stated above. is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat as confidential, and assumes, for this purpose, measures of technical, organizational and security measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with current regulations of data protection and other applicable legislation.
You guarantee to be of legal age and will be responsible for providing true and lawful information, reserving the right to deny service to any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions stipulated by law.

Cookies are small text files, which are set by us in your web browser. Cookies store data that enhances your experience of the website (for example saving your shopping bag between pages); they also enable us to gather anonymous information on website use, which we can use to improve our service to you; they are also used by some of our third-party service providers, again to track usage and to save data between pages.
We use cookies to:

  • Anonymously record and analyse website usage
  • Enable signing in to your online account
  • Have a shopping bag which saves your purchases as you shop online
  • We may also use cookies to personalise your experience on our website, by recognising you and tailoring content or product and service offerings.

If you wish you can set your browser to be warned when receiving cookies and refuse the use of cookies on your hard drive. is not responsible for the problems and errors in the operation of the website that may occur due to such configuration changes on cookies. Please see the instructions and manuals on your browser for more information.

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