Domain Ownership
We inform you that the ownership of the domain is registered in Thessaloniki, Greece. Contact information: +30 6970886937. Contact us by sending an email to or by calling our main office: +30 6970886937.

Acceptance of General Terms
Access to or use of this website in any way implies acceptance of these general terms established by Consequently, the user will be responsible for reading the Terms and Conditions. The use of certain services also implies acceptance, without reservation, of the specific rules or guidelines that Evakelia (M2P) might establish on an ad hoc basis, to replace or supplement these general terms. The terms of use of this website are indefinite. reserves the unilateral right to change the content.

Website’s Terms of Use


You agree to use this website, its services, and its content in a proper and lawful manner, in accordance with applicable laws, good faith, and generally accepted practices.

The user may not engage in actions that cause damage to the pages of this website, disable it, burden it, or destroy it in any way. Nor shall they perform any activity that may prevent other users from using or enjoying the website normally. The following actions are prohibited concerning the content of this website:

  • Reproduction, distribution, or modification, except with authorization from the lawful owner or by law.
  • Violation of the rights of (M2P) or the holders of such content.
  • Use for any commercial or advertising purposes, unless you have obtained written permission from

INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS holds the exploitation rights of the intellectual property of this website. also holds the intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, and image rights of the content available on this website or has the necessary authorization for its use. The access, navigation, and use of this website by the user do not imply any waiver, license, or transfer of rights from Consequently, it is not permitted to remove, ignore, or manipulate the copyright notice and any other data identifying the rights of or its content holders included in the content, as well as technical protection devices, digital fingerprints, or any mechanisms or identification information that could be part of the content.

Furthermore, it is prohibited to reproduce, modify, reuse, exploit, publish, upload files, post, transmit, use, process, or distribute in any way all or part of the content contained on the website for advertising or commercial purposes, without the express written permission of The name and its corresponding logo are trademarks, and any reproduction or use without the owner’s permission is prohibited.

OUR LIABILITY is not responsible under any circumstances for damages of any kind that may be caused by:

  • Unavailability, maintenance, and operation of the website or its services or content.
  • Lack of usefulness, suitability, or validity of the website or its services or content to meet the needs, activities, specific results, or expectations of users.
  • The presence of a virus in the content or other elements that may alter or destroy computer systems and/or user data.
  • Any use of content by users, especially illegal uses, through negligence, fraud, or contrary to these general terms, good faith, generally accepted practices, and public order.
  • The illegality, lack of quality, reliability, and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to the user or advertised on the website.
  • The failure of third parties to meet their obligations or commitments regarding the services provided to users through the website.


You agree not to use the website or the information on it to engage in activities contrary to the law, morals, or public order and, in general, to use it under the terms set by The opinions, content, and all activities conducted by the user are solely your responsibility. Evakelia (M2P) is not liable for any damages or losses arising from such activities.


The use of the website for sending advertising or commercial communications, transmitting messages for advertising purposes, or collecting data for the same purpose is strictly prohibited.

Το διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να τροποποιήσει, να αναστείλει ή να τερματίσει την παροχή υπηρεσιών από το περιεχόμενο του, εν όλω ή εν μέρει, ανά πάσα στιγμή, χωρίς προηγούμενη ειδοποίηση των χρηστών του ιστότοπου.


We kindly ask you to carefully read these terms before confirming your payment for the order. maintains a copy of these terms associated with each purchase, so we advise you to keep a copy of them for each purchase.


Placing an order through implies the full and complete acceptance of the prices, product descriptions for sale, and terms of sale, which will exclusively apply to the contract entered into. You agree to use the website to make inquiries or orders lawfully and validly. You also undertake to provide us with a true and correct email address, mailing address, and/or other contact details, and confirm that you are aware that we may use this information to communicate with you, if necessary, according to our Privacy Policy. If you do not provide all the correct information we need, we cannot successfully complete your order. You may identify errors in the data provided in the order confirmation emails we send you and, if necessary, correct them via email to customer service at or by calling +30 6970886937. By placing an order through, you guarantee that you are an adult and fully authorized to use the corresponding credit or debit card.


The items offered through this website are available worldwide.

DELIVERY undertakes to deliver the goods in excellent condition to the delivery address you specify on the order form. You can request delivery of items to a different address and to a different person than the one signing the order. To optimize delivery, we appreciate you indicating an address where the order can be delivered during normal business hours. This could also be your workplace. We dispatch via courier companies.

Delivery hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. See the Delivery Times and Shipping Costs sections for more information.

In case the recipient is absent at the time of delivery, the carrier will leave a notice detailing how to proceed with arranging a new delivery. If delivery was not possible, the carrier will attempt to contact you via phone or email. They will attempt delivery up to 3 times. After this, the package will be returned to our facilities. It will be resent only if the customer agrees to pay for shipping costs again. reserves the right to vary the type of shipping and transportation company. Shipping costs incurred from the products you purchased will be reflected at the final moment of purchase and will depend on the destination.


We reserve the right to withdraw any products from our website at any time and/or to remove or edit any material or content. We shall not be liable to you or to any third party for the withdrawal of any products from our website.


The prices of products are those published on and include 24% VAT. The price must be fully paid at the time of purchase. reserves the right to modify the selling prices displayed on at any time. Items will be charged based on the prices at the time of ordering.


Payment for online orders can be made by credit card, debit card, or PayPal. reserves the right to change payment terms, create new ones, or delete existing ones, without the user/customer of being able to make claims for this reason. However, if the change affects the payment method of an already placed order, we will contact the customer to inform them of the change, giving them the option to cancel the order. Your card will be charged in real-time through the financial institution’s payment gateway and PayPal. The charge is made only after the payment system receives the correct information. To provide maximum security during the payment process, uses secure payment systems of leading financial institutions. Credit cards are subject to verification and authorization checks by their issuer, but if the issuer does not authorize payment, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery. reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the customer and to take appropriate measures (including canceling the order) to ensure compliance with these terms.


In the event of non-compliance or if you receive an incorrect order that does not conform to the original request, you must inform us within 48 hours of receiving the order. Please send an email to with your details, stating your order number, the anomaly identified, and photos of such incidents.


The liability of regarding any product purchased on is strictly limited, in each case, to the purchase price of that product. (M2P) – Dimitra Vasilakou is not responsible for any indirect operational losses or profits that may have arisen for third-party customers. Subject to the foregoing,’s liability under these terms and conditions shall not exceed an amount equal to the amounts paid following the transaction at the origin of this obligation, regardless of the cause or form of the action. is not responsible for breach of contract in case of stock depletion or product unavailability due to force majeure, work stoppage, or total or partial strikes, especially postal services and transportation or communication means, floods, or fires. The provisions of this clause do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer or your right to cancel the contract. In case of disagreement, the customer may apply, first to, to reach an amicable solution.


Applicable laws require some of the information or notices we send to be officially in writing. By using the website, you agree that the majority of communications with us are electronic. For contractual purposes, you agree to use email as a means of communication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information, and other communications we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirements. This condition does not affect your statutory rights. Customer communication with must be made through our contact email In accordance with the above provision and unless otherwise specified, we may notify either by email or to the postal address you provided at the time of ordering. Notices shall be deemed properly received and delivered when posted on our website, 24 hours after sending an email, or three days after the date of any letter. To prove that the notice has been made, it is sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, the correct address, that it was properly sealed and delivered duly to a postbox, and, in the case of an email, that it was sent to the recipient’s specified email address.


The delivery of each product may depend on various factors, such as origin, stock availability, holidays, etc. The delivery time is 3 to 7 business days. This period will be considered as business days (Monday to Friday excluding holidays), and the following conditions will apply: The delivery time of 3-7 business days is an average and therefore an estimate. Therefore, it may vary for technical reasons or force majeure. If for any reason we cannot meet the estimated delivery date, we will inform you and give you the option to proceed with the purchase by setting a new delivery date or to cancel the order with a full refund of the amount paid. Please note, however, that we do not deliver on Saturdays or Sundays.


Shipping costs depend on the delivery address and will be displayed in the shopping cart before payment, and payment details will be requested. Check the “Delivery and Payment Terms” section for more information.


The customer cannot request the cancellation of the order after payment.


In the event that the received products are incorrect, broken, defective, missing parts, lost by the carrier, will proceed to send a new product free of charge provided that the incident has been reported within 48 hours of receipt. If the order cannot be delivered for reasons beyond’s control (such as customer absence at the specified address, after 3 attempts by the courier), the order will be returned to our facilities. It will be resent only if the customer agrees to pay again for the shipping costs. is not responsible for products purchased outside of The customer must address the issue directly to the store where the product was purchased.


If any clause in these Terms is declared fully or partially void or unenforceable, this invalidity will only affect that provision.

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